How To Setup Jobuilder

  1. Commissioning

(Refer to Commissioning a Jace 8000 in Appendix for more detailed instructions)

Choose proper modules (all defaults plus the following):

  • BACnet Network
    • Any other type of network (Modbus, LON, N2, etc)
    • Export Tags
    • VykonPro
    • VykonPro Utils
    • Report-rt
    • haystack-rt

2. For TCP/IP settings, set up 2nd port to be /

  • For Port 1, we need to get in touch with customers IT department and explain to them we will need either a static IP address or set up as DHCP.
  • You will need the MAC address for the primary port to provide to them. Explain to the customer that each Jace will need to be able to talk to all other Jaces and a central server (typically on the same VLAN).
  • A typical Windows 10 Pro build is sufficient for the Supervisor.

Station Naming

  • If the station resides on the supervisor, prefix it with WS_ (e.g. WS_South_Lake_School_District)
  • For everything else, name sure to use underscores to separate words (Holland_Woods)

3. Make sure station is set to “Restart on Failure” & “Auto Start”

4. Once station is up and running, proper networks are set up and configured, we need to add controllers and points.

  • Go to Services – Users and add a Metro user. Temporarily turn off auto log off. This can be turned back on after project is complete.
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